What will Jesus do?

With the name of Allah the only God which is merciful and loving.

The title of this entry can bring a little bit of controversy but I like it. I was having a liqa with my homecoming friend from the State, he told us about his experience inside out of Vanderbilt University, Nashville. His experience of having a small muslim community in the US didn’t just portrays survival but the ukhuwah among them to remain strong in a community, to hold on the tauhid of Islam believing Allah as one God without another.

Anas from Vanderbilt University

Islam is not just a mere religion

Islam is the way of life, you practice your daily activities based on the Quran and Hadith, avoiding immoral things which Allah prohibits while doing what Allah says. However, nowadays people practices Islam as a religion, the way of life has been separated with Islam. Living the life as there is no Hereafter, Judgement Day or even living it like we do not have any guideline in our religion. Forget about abundance muslims are found in the bars or clubs, the simplest thing in Islam also did not practiced accordingly but it is practiced with the way the Satan wants it like cleanliness, eating or even having ur wedding ceremony.


My friend told me during his trip to class, he passed by a church with a banner saying

What will Jesus do?

The meaning of the banner is, “what if you as christians doing bad things and Jesus sees you? What will Jesus do?”

Short but deep reminder, the way of christians’ life is more islamic, there is a person sneezed in my friend’s class during lecture, suddenly a voice replied the sneeze “Bless you.” This phenomenon occurs frequently.

there are a lot of things which resembles islamic way of life but practiced by the non-muslims  and my friend told me one-by-one. I listened to him…. While remembering what Syeikh Mohammad Abduh said

I see Islam, but i can’t see a muslim. I see muslims but i can’t see Islam.

Now the quote has proven its truth, seeing what non muslims do islamically rather than muslims nowadays. do we have the same principles  as the Christians? What will Allah do???

Allah is watching you is one of the best sayings so far but there is another;

Law Kana Bainana (If only prophet pbuh is alive)

Law kana bainana, if Muhammad pbuh is alive what will he do ? A person sneezes will you say Yarhamkallah? If the Prophet is alive what will he do?

Taking your food at the Drive Thru, if Prophet is still alive and also ordering drive-thru food, what will he do? I can only imagine him saying thank you and smiles while receiving the food and gives salam before drives away.

It is not we don’t have any principle in Islamic way of life but it is how we use it, we already have the best guideline and now it is our time to change it and be as good as how a muslim should be. Hmm i wonder if the Prophet is still alive while reading this entry…..

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